In frames of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence a month-long "Violence is illegal and has NO justification" campaign was organized.
In total 12 different poster-stickers of 2700 circulate on women rights and gender equality combining Armenian traditional sayings and RA legal framework was produced and aimed to disseminate and use in streets, on phones and computers as well as via social media. The posters have been disseminated via 9 organizations in 7 regions of Armenia.
The campaign has two layers:- prevention of gender based violence (physical,psychological, economical abuse and sex-selective abortion) and women empowerment. Both directions has been based on the concept of the "Armenian traditions" narrative.
To be more detailed:- such largely known Armenian traditional sayings like "Woman is a wool, she should be bitten to be soft" or "Man beating is like a rose beating", "A girl, when marries, is like a knitted sock:- should be un-knit and re-knit again", "A mother who only has a daughter, keeps her hand always in a bosom" or "A son from mother, money from father" are traditional sayings that target women and spread gender based violence and hate-speech towards them. These sayings on the other hand are illegal and contradict the RA Constitution, RA Criminal and Family Codes as well laws on gender equality and on reproductive rights.
Anyhow, subconsciousness of these traditional sayings create a violent basis and atmosphere in society, while contrasting these sayings and contradicting them with the law, we envisage to bring a new narrative to society presenting these sayings as criminal or at least unlawful acts displaying new narrative to violent traditions.
The other direction:- women empowerment, includes sayings of equality and women empowerment quoted from the ethnic novel and letters of the 20th century feminist -novelist Zapel Yesayan like "... a woman is not born mere for being nice and pleasent....rather to use her physical, mental and emotional abilities to create a good ... " or "my dear girl, don't be afraid to be ambitous! The aspirant of the noble ideals can not be modest and live humble.."
Media Campaign